Entre dados e planilhas

experiência laboratorial em jornalismo em base de dados


  • Adriana Alves Rodrigues UEPB




Jornalismo de Dados; Jornalismo Digital; Narrativa Longform; Métodos Digitais


This experience report reveals the production of narratives in Longform format in the Journalism and Database discipline of the Journalism course at the State University of Paraíba (UEPB), which details the stages of production of these products in digital environments with regard to collection, production, editing, format and visual treatment. For such productions, the procedures linked to Digital Methods (ROGERS, 2014) were used throughout the data processing and processing, whose available tools allowed students to experience new languages ??in Digital Journalism, configuring a process laboratory productive of digital practices. Although the subject was offered in a pandemic context, it is important to emphasize the effort made by the students to produce the longform narratives, taking advantage of the inherent potential of this type of dynamic digital product.


KEYWORDS: Data Journalism. Longform Narrative. Digital Methods. Digital Journalism.


Author Biography

Adriana Alves Rodrigues, UEPB

Doutora em Ciência da Informação e Professora da graduação em Jornalismo na UEPB.


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How to Cite

Alves Rodrigues, A. . (2022). Entre dados e planilhas: experiência laboratorial em jornalismo em base de dados. Revista Brasileira De Ensino De Jornalismo, 12(30), 79-90. https://doi.org/10.46952/rebej.v12i30.449



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