Vôôôte! Wall newspaper experiment in light of Paulo Freire’s epistemology




Jornal-mural, Editoração, Paulo Freire, Ensino de Jornalismo


The objective of this work is to reporting the collaborative experience in the production of the wall newspaper Vôôôte!, planned and developed by Journalism students at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá campus, within the scope of two course subjects: Graphic Planning in Journalism and Editing and Graphic Planning. The method used to prepare the journal is based on the concepts of popular education by Paulo Freire, under which the proposals are collectively conceived so that each part of process offers a contribution from a graphical, textual and narrative point of view. We identified that collaborative work allows the newspaper to present nuances between editions, even if it is a journalistic product with only one page.


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How to Cite

Vôôôte! Wall newspaper experiment in light of Paulo Freire’s epistemology. (2021). Revista Brasileira De Ensino De Jornalismo, 10(27), 134-150. https://doi.org/10.46952/rebej.v10i27.412



Relato de Experiência