Visual systems analysis

media literacy in analysis and debate


  • Bárbara Emanuel UFF



Media literacy, Teaching journalism, Media education, Online education, Visual communication


The course Visual Systems Analysis, taught at undergraduate courses in the Department of Social Communication of Universidade Federal Fluminense, discussed media literacy through curatorial activities, analysis, and debate. This report describes the course’s organization in thematic modules, the way it approached the content and the activities that were carried out. Taught in 2020, during the covid-19 pandemic, the course had, in its methodology, principles of Online Education, privileging asynchronous content and interactions, to be not only accessible, but also interesting for students.

Author Biography

Bárbara Emanuel, UFF

Doutora em Design e professora de Comunicação Social da UFF.


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How to Cite

Emanuel, B. (2021). Visual systems analysis: media literacy in analysis and debate. Revista Brasileira De Ensino De Jornalismo, 11(29), 122-136.



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